Saturday, February 18, 2006

"Good intentions don't put waffles in my stomach."

I despise being on call....I might as well be on a leash. Three Rivers is sounding so nice right now....even if I'm doing laundry!


Blogger ceci n'est pas said...

life is good in the triple ripple. sorry you could not make it, but we are trying our best to plan some time where we can all be in the same place...

3:10 PM  
Blogger a said...

I still laugh everytime I think that I actually said that.

You were sorely missed in Three Rivers, k definitely needs a female social influence. I think that we drove her crazy. Who could have thought that drunken dancing to the Pogues could probably been a bit much to handle?

8:56 PM  
Blogger Didymus (der Blinde) said...

It sounds like you're making a good friend of mine very happy. Thank you for that and welcome to our wierd little world.

Parlez-vous français? Si vous faites, peut-être vous vous pourriez expliquer votre title. il me rend curieux. Si non, c'est comme ça va, no worries.

5:18 PM  

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