Wednesday, February 15, 2006

little love is profound

In mirrors, lakes, and in a lover's eyes
We seek our lonely being, and this is love;
This and this only. Poetry and flowers,
Music and moons, the sweet swift pace of hours
At night, all frame self-portraits, all are lies,
The tissue of that famous velvet glove.
Narcissus died of self-desire, not knowing
The secret of our love, the vital breath.
We needs must live upon each other, growing
On that reflection, self-reflection glowing
In lover's eyes, or love must come to death.
Then must I die? In fright my blood is flowing.
Within your eyes law fails, the word's untrue.
I cannot see myself, but only you.
-"China To Me" Emily Hahn

my dad is mumbling cantonese under his breath as he rests on the couch...and the other morning, the sweetest thing happened to little sister Faith crawled into bed with me and started rubbing my back gently without saying a word for what seemed like a half an hour...and then left me sweet kisses on the cheek and turned over to fall asleep 6:30am....the sunrise isn't the only beautiful thing in the morning!


Blogger ceci n'est pas said...

'to you:

Stranger, if you passing meet me and desire to speak to me, why should you not speak to me?

and why should i not speak to you?'

10:05 PM  
Blogger Adalia said...

i think we should try that... speaking. and i completely agree with joining our forces and finally getting together to meet. Your wife is beautiful, and i've heard just as many lovely things about her as I have about you!

11:53 PM  

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